3127 Doctors Drive, Los Angeles, California


JS Dev


Customize your own webpack config from scratch

Technically, this is not an application, but a very useful task to understand how webpack works from the inside out. Now it will not be a “black box”, but an understandable tool. Requirements: Compile es7 to es5 (basics). Compile jsx to js – or – .vue to .js (will have to learn loaders) Configure webpack…
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To do list

To Do List

Seriously? To Do List? There are thousands of them. But believe me, there is a reason for this popularity.The To Do app is a great way to make sure you understand the basics. Try to write one application in vanilla JavaScript and one in your favorite framework. Learn to: Create new tasks. Check the filling…
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Msg app

Messenger clone (native application)

You will understand how both web applications and native applications work, which will set you apart from the gray mass. What we will study: Web sockets (instant messages) How native apps work. How templates work in native apps. Organization of request processing routes in native applications. This will be enough for you for a month…
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